The platform has a variety of controls that govern which things attendees see and when they can see them. This page is intended for admins on the platform and volunteers.
RocketChat and Zoom are not intended to be used by attendees without a registration. They will never appear on a page without a registration. For free events before the becomes_free_after date, RocketChat and Zoom links will appear for registered users
In a virtual conference, most organizers like to collect questions only from RocketChat. This is usually the case for tutorials, invited talks, competitions, demos, etc. Workshops can be more interactive and there is the possibility that they would want to invite their audience into e.g. a live roundtable discussion in Zoom. For the former, we usually hide Zoom links from attendees; for the later, we usually show Zoom links to attendees. The Events table has a field, ‘zoom_join_link_hidden,' with default=True that controls whether attendees see the Zoom links. Volunteers should see all Zoom links.
If you are presenter in a session that is set to hide Zoom links to attendees, you will still see the Zoom links. For example, if you are presenting an oral in Oral Session 3, you will see the Zoom link for Oral Session 3, but not for Oral Session 4.
As of Nov 24th, 2021, superusers, most organizing committee members, and SlidesLive staff can see that event's zoom “start” credentials on that event's virtual site page. The start credentials are the username and password we used to create that event's meeting or webinar.
RocketChat is only active about 3 weeks before the conference (for testing) and for about 1 month after. Usually, we take it down on the Conferences.becomes_free_date.
Every page that has an event in the virtual site has a RocketChat channel automatically created for it the first time someone visits the page (which can cause the page to load slowly the first time). To suppress RocketChat on a page, set the Events.rocketchat boolean on that event to False. Default is True.
As the RocketChat channel is created, organizers of the the event, its chairs, its moderators and its volunteers are added as ‘administrators’ of that RocketChat channel. Being an administrator grants permission to report someone or to remove someone in the channel.
There are two types of SlidesLives embed: pre-recorded, on-demand videos and the live stream that appears at the top of most pages. The pre-recorded videos automatically become active as SlidesLive finishes processing them. Before they're ready, the embed gives a message that the videos has not been released yet.
About a week before the conference, SlidesLive will generate embed links for the live streams. Once we import those, the embed will appear on the page with no content in it until the conference starts.
It's possible to suppress SlidesLive content until closer to the meeting. You might want to hold all videos until a certain date or you might want the videos to appear N number of days before the event. There are two fields in the Events table that control SlidesLive content: Events.release_date and Events.release_delta. Use one or the other, not both. release_delta is a positive float and release_date is a date and time. If you fill in a release_delta and leave release_date empty, the video embeds will enable themselves that many days before the event itself. This is useful if you want a rolling release of videos.
If you prefer to specify an exact date, use Events.release_date and leave Events.release_delta empty.