- Code of Conduct [NeurIPS] [ICML] [AISTATS] [ICLR] [MLsys] [CVPR] [ECCV]
- In general, you can report the issue using these forms: [NeurIPS ] [ICML] [AISTATS] [ICLR] [MLSys]
- If the incident occurred in RocketChat you can report the post by hovering over the post, then click on the three vertical dots on the right, and then select Report. This report is not anonymous.
¶ Session FAQ [for session chairs and organizers]
¶ Note: Socials and Meetup do not use SlidesLive
- If there are scheduled break times in the near future, use those to catch up.
- Each event in your schedule is bookmark-able. Avoid straying too far from the schedule. Do not hold presentations early.
- If there is a pre-recorded video, the SlidesLive engineer will stream it at the appropriate time.
- The session chair or moderator should guide the SlidesLive engineer on how to handle the gap in the program. In general, it's best not to skip to the next presentation because each event is bookmark-able and attendees may show up at the bookmarked time only to have missed the presentation.
- Discuss the correct order with the engineer. The SlidesLive engineer will start the Zoom at least 30 minutes before the start of the session, you can verify the correct order with them then.
- If the presentation is an event that belongs to a sub schedule, e.g. Workshop, Tutorial, Competition, Demo, or Datasets track that uses the Schedule Editor, please correct the schedule in the Schedule Editor [NeurIPS] [AISTATS] [ICLR] before the conference starts and notify Lee Campbell.
- It is the responsibility of the event organizer (e.g., Program Chair) to make sure that session chairs are present and joined the zoom meeting ahead of time. It is best practice to nominate two people to lead each session to avoid such situations. The event organizer has to chime in eventually.
- SlidesLive engineer will start the Zoom 30 minutes before your live session starts. In case the Zoom is not started, send a message to your live streaming engineer on Slack and email: support@slideslive.com.
- Not much can be done. This is why we recommended that you use SlidesLive to pre-record the presentation to avoid bandwidth issues entirely.
- Disable your video so that your headshot is not visible in your stream.
- Avoid presenting slides with motion.
¶ Test for login and for presentations
- Before the conference starts, be sure you can log in and that you see your registration and your presentations in your My Stuff page [NeurIPS] [AISTATS] [ICLR]
- Check Registration History to be sure that you see a current year registration.
- Check the presentation history to make sure you see all of your presentation. If you submitted with one email address at OpenReview/CMT and you're logging into the conference website with a different email address, then you should merge the email address you used to submit with into the account you're using to log into the conference website. Use Merge Accounts [NeurIPS] [AISTATS] [ICLR]
- If you can't find the login button: The login button appears in the navigation bar at the top of the page. In the virtual site, it's to the right and on the main website, it's on the left.
- If your password doesn't work: Your password must be longer than 9 characters. Reset it at [NeurIPS] [AISTATS] [ICLR]
- If you have merged accounts: you cannot log into an account that has been merged into another account. Log into the newer account.
- If you still have problems send an email to [NeurIPS: helpdesk@neurips.cc] or [AISTATS aistats@eventhosts.cc] [ICLR]
- For NeurIPS make sure you are logged in using https://neurips.cc rather than https://nips.cc.
- Download the desktop version here and connect to our server at [https://chat.neurips.cc], [https://chat.aistats.org] or [https://chat.iclr.cc]
- You must have a paid registration to see RocketChat. RocketChat will become unavailable shortly after the meeting ends.
- If RocketChat is down report it to Tony Manzo <tony@eventhosts.cc>.
- In most events, you are not expected to join Zoom unless you are presenting. You should see the Zoom join link at the top of the event you're presenting in. If you are a presenter and SlidesLive has not started the Zoom meeting for your event, contact.
- Update Zoom to the latest version.
- Zoom works in a browser (Chrome or Edge are recommended), but the best experience is the desktop application.
- Use a chromium browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge. Safari is not recommended.
- You must have a paid registration in order to log into GatherTown.
- Report technical issues [NeurIPS] [AISTATS] [ICLR]