Workshops and Affinity Workshops may be assigned a limited number of complimentary registrations which they may distribute as they wish. The number and specific conference sessions of complimentary tickets is decided by the conference organizing committee.
Only the primary contact for a workshop can assign complimentary tickets. To assign the complimentary tickets for your workshop log onto the conference website and click on the link on the home page for assigning complimentary tickets. If there is no link on the home page then you are likely not logged in as the primary contact for a workshop or no complimentary tickets have been allocated for the conference.
Note that once complimentary tickets have been assigned they cannot be changed. Please plan accordingly.
To assign complimentary tickets you will need the email address associated with an account on the conference website. If the invitee does not have an account for the conference the best is to ask them to create a profile on the website, however workshop organizers can also create a new account (see add a new user account).
An example page for assigning complimentary registrations is shown below. To assign a ticket select the Complimentary Registration Type, enter the email for a valid conference account, and click the Submit Request button (see the example image below).