- You must be logged in and registered for the current conference to view postings
- Postings are paginated with 10 posts per page and are displayed randomly to show no favoritism to certain postings
- You can filter postings by category and search by keywords
- Must submit an application and receive approval before posting
- Open to academic institutions, companies, and non-profits offering ML and AI opportunities
- Email verification: If applying with a non-institutional email, documentation of posting authorization is required
Create an Account
- Visit the conference homepage
- Click "Login" in the top right corner
- Each organization is limited to one authorized poster
- Academic institutions may have one poster per department
Submit Application
- Apply through your conference's careers page:
- neurips.cc/careers/apply
- icml.cc/careers
- iclr.cc/careers
- cvpr.thecvf.com/careers/apply
- mlsys.org/careers/apply
Posting Allowance
- Sponsors: Check your sponsorship level for included posting allowance
- Academic institutions: Free posting
- Others: Purchase posting credits as needed
- Navigate to "Manage Postings" from the careers site header
- View your current posting allowance and used/available slots
Purchase Additional Postings
- Click "Purchase Additional Postings" when you need more slots
- Select quantity of postings to purchase
- Complete payment in a separate tab
- Posting allowance updates automatically after payment
- Manage pending invoices directly from the purchase page
Creating Posts
- Posts limited to 2000 characters
- Include a URL for more opportunity information
- Use Markdown formatting for descriptions (Markdown Guide)
- Recommended: Use one post to link to your complete careers page
- Content must align with conference focus (ML, AI) and mission statement
- Acceptable post types:
- Job opportunities
- Postdoc positions
- Fellowships
- Awards/grants/scholarships
- All posts require approval before publication
For questions, contact the appropriate conference team: