Events with a schedule editor, e.g. Workshops, Competitions, Demos, Tutorials are exported using a button on the Schedule Editor homepage: /Workshops/workshopapplications. These events have sub schedules. For simple events like Invited Talks, Posters, Orals, and Town Hall, and Test of Time, we use an action in the Django Admin interface.
There are two mechanisms to export to SlidesLIve. One is the misc command
./ --exportFullScheduleToSlidesLive
The other is the Django admin interface. The command exports all events with tabs for each event type. It also lists the track page.
Visit the Events table in the Django admin interface, choose the events you want to export. Be sure to choose only events from the current conference. Use the admin action, "Export Selected to SlidesLive (Current Conference Only). An Excel spreadsheet will download.
If the number of events exceeds 100, you will need to click “Select all N Events” right under the action picker.