updated: 2024-6-14
Most tutorials & workshops and 2 socials have a Zoom license at their disposal in 2024. Each of the licenses is pre-configured with a recurring meeting that you can start at any time.
As an organizer of an event with a Zoom license, you see additional information on your virtual page (not visible to attendees) that helps you log into Zoom with the right credentials and start your meetings. No one from CVPR will start, own or moderate your Zoom meeting, so you should practice starting your own meetings before the conference starts.
You must be registered for CVPR 2024 and logged into website using your registration email address. Visit the online schedule on the CVPR virtual site at https://cvpr.thecvf.com/virtual/2024/calendar, find your event and click its link. If you are listed as presenter for the event, you should see [ Zoom Start Information ]. When you click that link, you'll see 3 things: 1) a login username for use at https://zoom.us, 2) a password, and 3) a Start Link.
In your default browser, log into https://zoom.us/signin with these credentials, then click the Start Link to start the meeting. You must have the Desktop Zoom application installed. You may have to log out of Zoom.us if you are an existing Zoom customer.
Then you probably have 2 profiles at cvpr.thecvf.com with different email addresses: one that you logged in with and the other that you submitted your proposal with. Please see this page: https://wiki.eventhosts.cc/en/reference/my-stuff#what-if-i-dont-see-my-paper-listed-on-the-my-stuff-page.
For Workshops, we only have the primary contact associated with each Workshops, so that person will be the only presenter who can see the Zoom Start information on the workshop's page on https://cvpr.thecvf.com/virtual/2024/schedule.
Email lee [at] eventhosts.cc and I'll remove the zoom information from your virtual event page.
This is your choice. The two most common use cases for Zoom are 1) to support a remote presenter in an otherwise physical event and 2) to support both remote presenters and remote attendees in a hybrid event. In the first case, you would not want your audience to join the Zoom meeting. In the second case, you would want your audience to see the Join Zoom link.
The default is for the Join Zoom to be visible to workshop attendees and to be not visible to tutorial attendees. If you need this setting changed, please email lee [at] eventhosts.cc to ask that your [ Zoom Join ] link be hidden/visible for attendees. Note that as an organizer, you will always see the [ Join Zoom ] link, even if it's hidden from your attendees.
You will need to provide a laptop that has been joined into the Zoom meeting at the podium. You will connect that laptop to the house video and audio. Bring your own HDMI dongle. (The house audio will be a headphone jack?)
Cloud recording is on by default. Workshop recordings can only be shared publicly 3 months after the conference.
Your event has a dedicated Zoom license. You should practice starting the meeting and unmuting speakers before the conference starts. You may also start and use your meeting at any time during the conference and up to the end of the meeting.
Visit https://zoom.us log in using the same credentials you used to start Zoom. If you see a blue button in the upper right called “My Account”, click it. You should then see My Meetings.