JSON data for poster and oral events can be retrieved from a conference website. This data may be useful to programmatically manipulate conference data or to create a spreadsheet of all poster information using any json to Excel conversion tools (there are several options online).
The JSON poster and oral event data can be retrieved from a conference website by composing a URL for a given conference and year using the following URL template:
https://{{ conference_website }}/static/virtual/data/{{ conference_name }}-{{ year }}-orals-posters.json
Where {{ conference_website }} is one of neurips.cc, icml.cc, iclr.cc, mlsys.org, virtual.aistats.org, or cvpr.thecvf.com; {{ conference_name }} is one of neurips, icml, iclr, mlsys, aistats, or cvpr and {{ year }} is the year of the desired conference. Not all years are supported and the events selected may vary by year.
For example for MLSys 2022 the url is https://mlsys.org/static/virtual/data/mlsys-2022-orals-posters.json.