ICML 2021 is now free to the public. Everyone is expected to follow the Code of Conduct. We recommend you start with the conference schedule, and read below to learn more about how to use all elements of the virtual conference site. View the Welcome Video from Nina Balcan, General Chair and the Welcome Address Video from the Program Chairs. Thank you to all the organizers who made ICML 2021 possible.
Chat content, GatherTowns, and parts of the Expo required a registration and are no longer avaialble.
Each Oral and Poster has a link to a downloadable PDF. The full ICML 2021 proceedings are available here. The proceedings include the downloadable paper PDF and the supplemental material.
Virtual Site System Requirements
JavaScript must be enabled in your browser. A 10 mb of inbound bandwidth is recommended. A Chromium browser is recommended.
Navigating the Website
All of ICML 2021 will be accessed through the main webpage. You may access all parts of the conference using the top menu bar. Check the Schedule to get an overview of when the live sessions for all events are taking place. You may navigate all the papers in the Papers section. You may search for titles and authors or look through all papers by skimming titles and bookmarking them. You can bookmark other sessions as well. If you go to your name in the top right corner and click on My Bookmarks in the dropdown menu, you can Download the schedule with all sessions you bookmarked and you can import it in your calendar. You can take a break and socialize in the ICML Café any time during the conference.
Poster Sessions
The poster sessions were be held in GatherTown. During the conference you can access the poster in GatherTown by clicking "Visit Poster at Spot XX in Virtual World" on the paper's page. Note that the first part of the poster session, up to 30 minutes, may be overlapping with the extended Q&A time for the Invited talk in the same time block. During this period of overlap, poster presenters are not required to be at their posters. Attendees can stay at the Q&A or enter the poster session. We recommend that all poster presenters are present at their poster at the beginning of the second hour of the poster session, to maximize the chance of engaging with the attendees.
We encourage everyone to visit the sponsor hall just like you would at the physical conference. The sponsors have job listings, demonstrations, and chats ready for you.
Some sponsors have a Topia virtual (spatial) world. Topia only supports Chromium browsers. When authenticating choose "Sign in with Email" in red rather than authenticating with Facebook or Google, and use your icml.cc email address.
All attendees with registration will automatically have access to Rocket.Chat, a separate Rocket.Chat account is not needed. If you have problems with Rocket.Chat try refreshing the page. If that does not work try logging out and then logging back in.
Each session has a Rocket.Chat channel. Questions for the speakers should be posted there. Other participants that are also interested in the question can comment or put emoji on the post to increase its visibility. Eventually, the moderator will select questions to ask the speaker. Speakers will be able to continue answering questions on Rocket.Chat after the end of their talk for approximately one hour.
This is a cautionary tale about timezones. Several attendees have noticed that the times shown on the virtual website appeared incorrect. The problem was that they chose a timezone that did not adjust for daylight savings time. We highly recommend picking a timezone based on a nearby city, especially if your area observes daylight savings time. Timezones are political and complex and thus confusing. Please check your timezone, and preferably choose a zone based on a city. Note that we are currently in Daylight Savings Time rather than Standard time in most, but not all of the US and Europe.
Your current timezone: {{request.user.timezone}}. (Note: the paper browser uses your system timezone.)
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