Setting your timezone on the conference website makes most of the times displayed on the conference website be shown in your selected timezone. One page, the conference Papers page, is an exception to this which shows times using the timezone of your browser (that page uses Javascript which doesn't have good support for controlling the timezone). If you are attending the conference in-person it is strongly recommended that you set your timezone to the conference location's timezone. That way you'll see the schedule in the timezone for when you arrive at the conference.
If you are attending a conference in person it's strongly recommended that you set your timezone to the conference location's timezone as that will make the website show times as they will be when at the conference locale.
This is a cautionary tale about timezones. Attendees have noticed that the times shown on the virtual website appeared incorrect. The problem was that they chose a timezone that did not adjust for daylight savings time. We highly recommend picking a timezone based on a nearby city, especially if your area observes daylight savings time. Timezones are political and complex and thus confusing. Please check your timezone, and preferably choose a zone based on a city. Note that we are currently in Daylight Savings Time rather than Standard time in most, but not all of the US and Europe.
Set your timezone at
You can also set your timezone by clicking on your name, which then displays a drop down menu which includes your timezone. Click on the timezone menu item to change your timezone.
Use one of the "Cannonical" or "Alias" timezones as listed on wikipedia list of timezones.