This page describes using a spreadsheet to assign any set of events to a parent event. This is commonly done to assign posters to a poster session, or orals and spotlights to an orals session.
First make sure all the events are created in the database. For poster, oral and spotlight events this is usually done using either CMT or OpenReview Import. For the parent events, usually Poster Sessions or Oral Sessions, these are often created manually or using multiple event creation.
Export the child events using Resource "Parent Event Assignment", "Oral Session Assignment" or "Poster Session Assignment". If any of "Parent Event Assignment", "Oral Session Assignment", nor "Poster Session Assignment" is not in the resource list see below. This will create a spreadsheet with a column named either parent_event_name, oral_session_name, or poster_session_name collectively called a parent column. The parent column may be blank if no events have been assigned to any sessions yet.
Fill in the parent column name using the name of an event already created in the database. For example "Oral Session 1", or "Oral Session 2", etc. As discussed below for an Excel spreadsheet with oral_session_name or poster_session_name there is a drop-down menu with the session names.
After filling in the parent column in the spreadsheet import the spreadsheet back into the database.
If there is no "Parent Event Assignment" listed in the Events resources you'll need to create one in the database. It should have the following values:
Parent Event Assignment
If there is no "Oral Session Assignment" resource listed on the export spreadsheet page you'll need to create one in the database. It should have the following values:
When creating an Excel spreadsheet the field oral_session_parent_event_name has a drop-down menu specifying the oral sessions. See Fields with Excel Drop-Down Menus below.
If there is no "Poster Session Assignment" resource listed on the export spreadsheet page you'll need to create one in the database. It should have the following values:
When creating an Excel spreadsheet the field poster_session_parent_event_name has a drop-down menu specifying the oral sessions. See Fields with Excel Drop-Down Menus below.
The oral_session_parent_event_name and poster_session_parent_event_name fields have an extra feature for Excel spreadsheets. While, for non-excel spreadsheets these fields behave the same as a parent_event_name. When exporting an Excel spreadsheet these fields add a drop-down menu to the field where the menu contains either all the oral sessions or all the poster sessions for the current conference. In addition these fields cause another sheet to be created in the spreadsheet. This extra sheet contains a few details for the oral or poster sessions and specifically the name column is used to create the drop-down menus for the oral_session_name or poster_session_name column.
In order to create the drop-down menu and the extra sheet the oral or poster sessions must have been created in the database and a DynamicFilter instance created called "Oral Sessions" or "Poster Sessions". These filters were created with a migration called but if a conference has unusual naming conventions for oral/poster sessions it is possible that the filter does not capture the correct sessions. If this is the case you should update the Dynamic Filter to properly capture the orals or poster sessions on the Dynamic Filters admin page. You can test the dynamic filter on the standard Events admin page.